About Us
Working as an independent crop consultant for more than 30 years, Denny Wildman continues
to work with the top performers in the Ag industry - specifically, to help growers understand the
“language of the plant”.
Experience is a major factor is achieving agronomic success, and Denny’s ability to couple the best in documented plant research from the lab with the facts of what actually happens in the field has helped many row crop and vegetable growers achieve some of the best yields in the country.
Those who work with Denny have learned how to select the best product or procedure from their agronomy “tool box” and work through the many variables inherent in any growing season to move their farming operation forward. Denny blends a comprehensive understanding of soil analysis, hormonal balance in the plant, and management of the plants resources to retain more of the plants natural genetic potential.
Whether it’s working stateside or internationally, Denny is, simply put, all about plant performance. On a typical day, He may be found managing plant and soil nutrients, developing effective tillage systems, analyzing environmental stresses, or evaluating the uniformity of soil biology.
Denny Wildman, CEO
Some would call it a job. To Denny, it’s a passion...
an observation quickly understood by all with
the opportunity to spent a few minutes
with Denny in the field.
Career Highlights:
In 1992, a founding member of the Ohio Association of Independent Crop Consultants.
Member of the US Ag Associates, a group of private consultants with membership in 18 states and 16 countries.
Affiliated with numerous University researchers, Commercial retailers and strategic marketing experts in the Ag industry.
Developed an Independent Crop Consulting Association to bring together a group of agronomists to better understand the “language of the plant”
Since 1980, working as a Independent consultant for StollerUSA, a world leader in liquid micro-nutrients and plant growth regulators.